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Service Team

Service Team

Students ages 15-18 have the opportunity to earn over 100 hours in community service! Spend 2-3 weeks during the summer, living and working with your peers at Black Diamond Camps, while being discipled by a college age summer staffer. Work as a volunteer, washing dishes, and learn what it means to tirelessly serve behind the scenes to help us inspire Christ-like change in over 25,000 lives


  • Session 1: June 30 – July 20
  • Session 2: July 21 – August 10
  • Session 3: August 11 – 31

For more information, contact

As people come to us from all over the country (and sometimes beyond), our goal is to proclaim the Gospel and provide an opportunity for God to move radically in the hearts of those who earnestly need Him. We are always looking for others to join us in stepping into the unknown, the uncomfortable, the messiness of human life and who are willing to learn what it means to serve others humbly and wholly.

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